original oil painting breakfast painting cow painting romantic painting abstract painting food gift colorful oil painting strawberry painting
✨ 1 IN STOCK ✨ ORIGINAL Oil Painting
🌷Dimensions: 9” x 12” (22.9 x 30.5 cm)
🌻 This one-of-a-kind oil painting will be carefully packaged within 7-10 business days. For maximum protection, we ship our prints using heavy mailers for protection!. 🌱
Once you receive your oil painting, it will be ready to hang immediately! Of course, feel free to reframe it if you wish (please see the oil painting note below).
🖼️ This is a classic scoop frame profile, 1.4-inch wide molding, rustic gold color, HD tempered real (shatter-free) glass, and museum-quality picture frame.
🖼️ Pre-installed sawtooth hooks and easel back allow hassle-free display on table tops and walls, both horizontally and vertically. Each frame is made with perfect attention to detail.
🥳 Because this is an original, you will receive a certificate of authenticity signed by me, Sarah Edwards. Thank you for your support!
🎉 IMPORTANT notes about oil paintings: 🎉
✨ The curing process involves a chemical reaction between the oil in the paint and oxygen from the air. It takes YEARS for the paint to be fully dried. These paintings, while mostly dry, should be handled carefully if ever reframed.
✨ These are not varnished pieces (unsealed) because the paintings are under a year old at this time. Feel free to contact me with any questions!
✨ Oil paint is very TOXIC. For their safety, do not leave it unframed if you have small children or pets.